Many people ask the question, should you use an apartment locator to help find your next apartment. What most people don’t realize is that this is a free service to the customer. The apartment communities pay apartment locators and realtors to encourage them to bring people to their property that may not have found it on their own. This is especially true if you are new to Dallas and are not familiar with all the different parts of town. There are many diverse neighborhoods just in the Downtown area alone, each one having its own feel and vibe, so depending on your personality and your lifestyle, you might enjoy one are over another one, but would not really know that without the guidance of a realtor that has spent time discussing your likes and dislikes with you. It is important to tell the agent what part of town you will be working in, as well as what types of things you like to do in your free time. By doing this, you give the agent the ability to cater his/her search of properties specifically to your wants and needs. For example, some people want to be in the middle of all the action so they might prefer an Uptown address, while other people want a location where they can get away from all the action and enjoy some peace and quiet. These are things your agent needs to know to find you the perfect spot. Additionally, some people want to have an apartment with every luxury they can think of, as well as a multitude of amenities that are available to residents in the building, while other people prefer something more industrial, like a converted factory where they can use their imagination to create a unique space all their own. Once your agent knows these things, he/she can begin to narrow down the possibilities and find you exactly what you are looking for, or at least pretty close to it. There are over 500 properties just in the downtown Dallas are alone, so it is a daunting task to try to sort through them all without help.
The other benefit to using a locator, is that they visit these properties on a weekly or sometimes daily basis, so they have relationships with the onsite leasing agents and managers at each property. They are kept in the loop about current specials, and availability of each property so they typically know pretty quickly where to start searching for you. Basically speaking, they do all the legwork for you by calling each place to see what is available for your timeframe and in your price range. This saves you time and money by preventing you from driving around on your own, going from place to place only to be told they don’t have anything. They can also give you opinions on whether the prices are good, or if you would be better off looking at something else nicer and less expensive right up the street that you never even knew about.
As you can see, there are many benefits to using a locator. Again, this is a free service to you, so if you are ready to get your search started, give us a call at 469-222-2693 and we would be happy to help you in any way we can, or just answer any questions you may have. Don’t spend the next year in a place that is just o.k. Let us help you find a place you will love to call home!